
Architecture of ACS Noder

NODER Access Control System is designed as a server-client architecture. The server enables the configuration, management and information from distributed controllers in the system. ACS is designed based on ethernet controllers communicate with the server through a secure protocol TCP/IP network using SSL or AES encryption


Noder schema

Each of the NODER EE12 access controllers is a fully autonomous device based on a mini-computer working under the Linux operating system. The periphery (inputs, outputs, readers) is controlled by an additional microprocessor. The controller saves codes, schedules and access levels, recent events and other necessary information needed for independent work. In the absence of communication with the server, the controller still allows access to protected rooms to authorized users and the recording of events in the built-in memory. The decision to allow access to the protected room (after reading the employee’s card) is taken by the controller (unless otherwise specified), which ensures an immediate reaction of the actuators (release of the door lock). The operation of the controller is independent of the availability and quality of communication with the server. After restoring the connection to the server, all saved events in the controller are automatically downloaded by the server and saved in the system database. This allows you to store events for any period of time, limited only by the capacity of hard disks installed in the server.

Connecting the access control equipment to the NODER controller allows to:

  • flexible settings for staff and guests defining time constraints and possible transition direction,
  • recording of all events in the system and full reporting that can be used to settle work time or for other purposes,
  • registration of passages made available by an authorized security guard, record of time and direction of passage,
  • remote opening of locked doors for one-way passage or unblocking, for example, a turnstile in a given direction for a long time,
  • automatic releasing of the turnstile in case of fire,
  • remote blocking or unblocking of the transition from the system client,
  • possibility of confirming the access rights to a chosen room by a security guard,
  • various identification modes: carat, PIN, card or PIN, card and PIN,
  • AntiPassBack global and local,

The software of the NODER system enables integration of the other security systems such as Intruder Alarm Systems (e.q. Satel, Galaxy, DSC, Paradox etc.) or fire alarm systems (e.q. Polon-Alfa, Schrack, Bosch, Esser, Siemens, etc. and CCTV integration, video analysis with intelligent search, license plates recognition, face recognition. Software management enables full configuration, status monitoring and management of access control passages. Software updates are free of charge. The controller’s firmware can be updated from the server without disconnecting it from the connected devices via the communication line.

Functionalities that are implemented through the server:

  • Supervision over connections with controllers and the state of connected peripheries,
  • Configuration of controllers and access control transitions,
  • Monitoring of statuses and events in the system with the accuracy of a single door,
    • accepted or rejected access,
    • entrance or exit,
    • waiting for passage,
    • no passage after using authorized card,
    • operating mode (normal, unlocked reader),
    • strain,
    • too long holding the door,
    • switching to battery operation,
    • sabotage of the controller’s casing.
  • Control from the map level (view of the building):
    • one-time passage opening,
    • permanent unlocking the passage,
    • permission to access (in the case of working in dual access mode – with the operator’s confirmation),
    • possibility of individual control of controller outputs,
    • displaying the image from the camera observing the passage after clicking the chosen camera icon on the map,
    • automatic display of a camera or several cameras assigned to a chosen passage after clicking the door icon on the map.
  • Access Control Panel:
    • creating rules of permissions and schedules,
    • adding users and granting permissions,
    • automatic filling the field with the card number in cooperation with a dedicated USB reader or from any reader in the system,
    • data update, blocking or deleting users,
    • creating and granting rights for user groups (departments),
    • assigning photo to a user (from a file or by capturing a picture from any camera in the system),
    • quick cards printing using previously prepared templates,
    • quick search for users, schedules, access levels,
    • ability to create any user types which will contain various, individually created data fields (Employees, Guests, Customers, etc.),
    • ability to restrict operator’s access to selected data user (invisible, read, read and record),
    • granting operators the ability to create, delete and modify users / departments,
    • creating users with the Antipassback function,
    • locating users
  • Ability to import or export users to other systems (txt, csv, Excel, database file).
  • Cooperation with the “Event Manager” module enabling eg photo identification or access in dual mode. Examples of action scenarios:
    • Tracking events, related only to specific access control passage. The security guard tracks events only from the passages he is responsible for, at the same time only events that are relate to selected passages are displayed on the screen.
    • Photo identification. When the security guard walks near the passage, on the screen displays a picture of a passing employee, connected with his identifier. The security guard approves access via the software interface or by pressing the door open button connected directly to the controller.
    • Photo and video identification. When the security guard is far from the access point. While identifying employees (card reading), not only their photographs, but also videos from the appropriate camera appear on the screen of the security guard. No matter how far away the work station is from the passage, the security guard can grant access after comparing photographs and videos.
    • Displaying special information about employees. While identifying an employee, any information stored in his file can be displayed on the security guard’s screen. For example next to basic information such as photo, name, position etc. on the screen might be an information if the employee can bring a laptop with him.
    • A central point of tracking of disturbing events, which is displaying the status of access points on the map and automatically displaying the video from the corresponding camera. In a central supervisory position, only disturbing events are usually displayed, such as burglary or changing the status of connection with controllers etc. As their number is small, therefore the station may serve at the same time more passages. All events are real-time displayed on the map with the video from a specific camera.